Best Private Ghost Tour of Williamsburg Virginia by John Sutton
Fun tours for adults and children of all ages.
Our tours are true stories of ghosts and pirates in historic Williamsburg, plus legends.
Join me for an entertaining walk down the eerie streets of historic Williamsburg illuminated by the lantern’s glow.
Emma Jones ghost greets a visitor
Pirates & Ghosts
Don’t be spooked by the legends of “Ghosts” who some feel make Williamsburg their home. We have friendly ghosts.
The story of Blackbeard’s pirate crew who visited Williamsburg against their will is recreated.
Williamsburg Lantern Tours are a fun way to spend an evening.
Some people believe in ghosts!!! ………… Do you? ……You should !!!
Ghost Sightings
May 15, 2012 Our group saw Grandma Peachy looking our windows at us.
March 2, 2012 Two ghosts exited the Payton Randolph house front door and walked across the front of the house then around the corner. Hear more about this incident on my tour.
June, 14, 2010. The spirit of Thomas Jefferson talked to our group.
July 21, 2008 visitor got photo of Grandma Peachey in window and promised to send it to me.
June 14th, 2008 – visitor got wonderful photo of ghost woman walking in the street.May 21, 2008 – Lucy Ludwell’s ghost waving to the school group from a window (see picture below)April 3, 2008 – Picture of ghost taken walking down the street in front of the Wythe house.several times a week, grandma Peachy’s ghost is sighted looking out the window at our tour guests.
June 08, 2007 – Student on our tour took a photo of a ghost walking down the street
May 14, 2007 – Police officer on my tour took a photo March 15, 2007 of orbs laying on the ground at the jail where blackbeard’s men are buried.
Photo of Lucy looking out her window by Nancy G.
March 12th, 2007 Grandma Peachy seen at her window by group
November 4, 2006 – Photo of ghost standing between two visitors on bench by teacher of school group on our tour
October 11. 2006- Grandma Peachy waving at us from her window . Guests fled.
August 10, 2006- School group flees when all in group see and hear dead pirates clawing their way out of their graves.
July 5, 2006- Orbs recorded at graveyard.
A previous ghost encounter was a mischievous spirit encounter by Sharon B. and
her companions on 2/28/03 @ 8:20pm at Palace Green.
Prior to that there was a spirit sighting by Paula M. on 11/16/02 @7:45pm in the vicinity of Jones graveyard.
fearless guide leads the brave down the dark streets of Williamsburg
protected from the only by the glow of single flickering flame, the
only protection keeping the reputed walking dead, ghouls, goblins and
ghosts from trying to do their worst with you.
Guest Comments
Hi John,
Thank you for the fabulous tour! The boys all thought it was “awesome.” I enjoyed learning so much history in addition to the ghost
information. Thank you for your patience with the boys questions and
comments. We were all thrilled. Blessings, Linda and John Fraley
John, We would like to thank you for giving us our requested “11” on a scale
of 1 to 10 for Ghost Tours. We appreciate all the extra effort you
put into our tour. The kids still talk about that * and the stormy night we were running down the road in that driving rain and
wind storm. The warmth and generosity of “Southerners” is very
refreshing. Thank you for making our visit one to remember with fondness
for years to come! Kimberly CVACS-D Blackstone, VA 23824
The tour was GREAT! Jessie couldn’t of asked for any better she says. It was the coolest thing of the night. the stories were amazing, and the tricks were cute. Jessie is thinking about becoming a historic interpretor at Colonial Williamsburg, so she really enjoyed comparing her thoughts and knowledge to yours. It was great, and we hope to do it again.
Thank You, Kim & Jessie
I just wanted to say thanks to John Sutton, our personal tour guide on
June 21, 2005. He was fabulous and very much surpassed my
expectations. John was great. We had 4 year-old Libby, 7 year-old Joe
and 9 year-old Tommy with us and he was great with all of them and
their questions; the boys were intrigued with all of your knowledge
about the town and the ghosts. John was also courteous in telling us
when some subject matter may be a little too scary for Libby. The kids
could not get home fast enough to tell all of their friends about Joe **********or about the **********.
Tom & I got a kick out of watching how interested they were in the
tour. What an accomplishment to hold their attention that long! They
loved it. So did we as adults. You are a fabulous tour guide and
helped us create a memory we will always remember.
Thanks so much — Kathy & Tom, Cleveland OH
Our family just wanted to say what a joy
it was to have you as our tour guide on June 16. It was great to have such
a personalized tour. Our children still talk about the ***** To see all the other groups that were so large and then to have our small
group with just our family was perfect. We will give your name to anyone
we know who are planning a visit.
Thank You , The Stillwell’s
***** Words edited to not give away the fun !

The ghost of James Peachy eating cookies in the tree
Photo of a ghost in a tree at Payton Randolph House (maybe James Peachy?)
awsome photo taken August 27th 2010 by Rena Moya , Kathy,
Austin age 9.5, and Max age 10.5 from New Jersey

Grandma Peachy at the window of the Randolph House
Orb of Grandma Peachy waving to us from the upstairs window at the Payton Randolph house. Photo 5/26/05 by Scott Haglund
John, We really enjoyed your tour. Hope we can do it again at a future date. I’ve attached all four of the orb pictures that I took while we were on your tour. Enjoy and please share them with your guests. Please write back and tell me what you think. –Scott & Diane Haglund

Mr Jones is watching over his duaghters
Faces ? at Jones graveyard . Photo 09/13/05 by Randy & Danielle Seibert
Randy and I would like to personally thank you for the wonderful tour on September 13, 2005. You made our night! We especially loved that fact that is was a private tour and not a large group like what we saw!You were very informed and entertaining and I especially loved the Jones’ Graveyard. I’ve attached 3 pictures of that graveyard. On the one, I believe I see a face (I circled it) and once you zoom in, it starts to look like a child’s face. I’ve attached the same picture without the circle and another shot where you don’t see that face.You had our attention all night and will we do it again when we come back! I wouldn’t’t take any other tour with anyone else! Regards, Randy & Danielle Seibert, Phoenixville, PA
Emma Jone’s ghost (God rest her soul) ?
- Ghost of Emma Jones rising from the crypt to greet visitors at Williamsburg, VA
Mike Krause took this photo of what appears to be the ghost of Emma Jones and the Jones cemetery on November 9th, 2011.
Mike snapped it when his 9 year old son pointed out the ghost rising from the grave. The grave is that of Emma Jones.
Emma’s ghost has been haunting this grave yard for decades.
She likes visitors to stop by. She is said to especially like to give kisses to boys.
Mike Krause took this photo at Jones Cemetery on November 9th, 2011 when his 9 year old son pointed out the ghost rising from the grave

Crazy Lucy , the party girl, peaking at visitors through teh windows.
Thank you for a wonderful tour.
I took the lantern tour in the summer of 2005. I took numerous pictures to have for keepsakes for it was a great vacation and I wanted to remember every part about it. I finally did get the photo’s developed and in one picture of one of the houses there is PLAIN as DAY… a ghost looking out through the window. This picture gives everyone who looks at it chills. This image was taking with an olympus 35mm camera on a beautiful, clear and warm night during your lantern tour. (The image of a face is in the window to the left of the tree. Could this be crazy Lucy?) This image amazes everyone I show it to. I do consider myself very lucky to have taken it. William Putt
Ghost of crazy Lucy saying hello
May 21, 2008 – Lucy Ludwell’s ghost waving to the school group from a window. Photo taken by Kelsie Redburn and Matt Fazenbaker who were students on tour from Hilltop School.

Ghost in Williamsburg speaks to guests with a key
Hi John, we wanted to thank you again for the ghost tour for our Reunion . Everyone had a great time. My brother had his pictures developed and the picture below was from the pictures he took. I’m not saying that Thomas jefferson was there, but it sure looks like it from this picture. Can you see the image of an arm and hand over the key ? Kathy Sue Blake, family reunion
I just wanted to let you know that the tour we received on Friday evening was wonderful. Our tour guide “John” was fabulous. The kids are still talking about it. In fact, our tour was so personal and informative, we feel it isn’t necessary to go back to this particular historic area, but we will. Our guide shared so much information. We were a family of six and it was worth every dollar. Please pass on our thank you to our guide. It was a great start to our vacation and we will recommend your site to anyone we know who visits the area. Happy Haunting.
Mike and Karen Murray and family
Hey John! We had a wonderful time on the Ghost tour! The girls are still teasing each other about “Are you my grandson?” and “I want my liver!”. The funniest thing about the “liver” story was when you were telling this creature that Girl Scout troop #203 had his liver, the girls in the other two troops were teasing the ones in 203 that they were safe and that only 203 had the problem! Crazy girls! Anyway, they seem to be most interested in Emma. LOL Some of the parents looked a bit surprised at the girls giving her a kiss! We plan to add some of the photos we took to our travel journals from the trip. Thank you so much for your time. They had an absolute ball! Sincerely, Dana Patterson & Troops 203/291
Hi John, All the way home from Williamsburg (9 hrs.), we couldn’t stop talking about the highlight of our trip. You guessed it – the Ghost Lantern Walk! The kids loved it and so did we! Our little 3 year old “Blackbeard” is still telling everyone he sees about the ghosts & pirates. It was enlightening, entertaining, and unforgettable. We were so fortunate to book our tour with you. Thanks again! The Fazzone family
Ghost / Lantern Tours Pricing
& other information
Evening Lantern Tours are either 1 hour or 1.5 hr. duration.
The 1 hr tours is composed of ghosts and pirate stories. The 1.5 hr tour includes a vist to a grave yard.
These tours, like all our other tours, are private tours for your family or group. You
will not have other persons in your group that you do not know. There is
no per person charge.
Ghost/Lantern Tours Pricing
With guide John or alternate guide
Evening Lantern Tours delivered by John are approximately 1 hour duration.
What is the price for two persons with guide John ? $120
What is the price for four persons with guide John ? $120
What is the price for eight persons with guide John ? S120
With guide John, the price for additional persons over 8 persons is $16/person
If the date you desire is previously booked by others, there are alternate guides available.
1.5 hr. Ghost tour cost
What is the price for two persons for a 1.5 hr. tour ? $148
What is the price for four persons for the 1.5 hr. tour ? $148
What is the price for eight persons for the 1.5 hr. tour ? $148
What is the price for ten persons for the 1.5 hr. tour ? $184
additional persons are welcome at $ 18/person *
*If over 15 persons, contact me for reduced pricing.
booking a tour
Tours may not be available unless you book them weeks or months in advance.
It is recommended that you book you tour at the earliest opportunity so that you can get the date and time you wish.
add a little Witch to your tour
Occasionally we may have a witch available that could stop and pay a visit to our ghost tour guests. She is a bit crazy and funny (a bit Wizard of OZ wicked at times). She tells our guest about the hazards of riding her boom, spells and magic words.
If available, she will visit for about 10 min. for the additional fee of $85
She requires arrangement in advance
Questions sometimes asked.
Do your Ghost/Lantern tours enter buildings? No
Guests on my Ghost/Lantern tours do not enter buildings. If you wish to take a tour that enters buildings at night , you can contact Colonial Williamsburg Foundation at 757-229-1000 to inquire about their tours (but theirs are not nearly as scary and fun as ours).
Are your Ghost/Lantern tours group tours ? No – The Ghost/Lantern tours we provide through historic Williamsburg are fun private tours–“a guide for your family only“, “or guides for your group only“. There are other companies in Williamsburg that offer group tours for walk ups. One such company which forms groups, of 40 to 60 or more persons, meets in front of the book store in Merchant Square most every night to begin their tour at 8pm. If you wish to join others in group tour, you can contact Colonial Williamsburg Foundation at 757-229-1000 to inquire about their tours.
Why take our private Ghost/Lantern Tour?
With a private tour, you can continually ask questions and have conversations with your guide. There are companies in Williamsburg that put their guests into a group of 25 or more, but more usually 50+ persons. Another good reason to take our tour is that frequently our guests report having contact with the spirits while on our tours.
Are your tours fun?
We approach the tours as entertainment. Please read guests comments to get opinions of past visitors.
If history is desired for part or all of the evening tour, please let us know in advance.